Thursday, June 17, 2010

*Something Better

Children are the greatest spiritual teachers out there in bodily form. God speaks most to me through the words and actions of my children. As some may know we are hosting our nieces through VBS and others may also know that my daughter tends to have the roughest time during these visits. 95% of the time everyone is happy and getting along, but if one princess is going to be unhappy it tends to be mine. She is more used to being the solitary princess that the other two, who are used to having another girl around. The youngest tends to get what she asks for, because her sister and my son will sweep in and hand it over because she is the smallest. Anyway... my daughter was having one of those times when her brother was giving to my youngest niece at the 'expense' of his sister. When handing out the cereal bowls this morning he gave the one my daughter wanted to my niece because she also wanted it. This was most upsetting and prompted some crying. Feeling like she needed some special attention I offered a 'special breakfast' when we got to the church building. "Just me and you" This special breakfast being a trip to the buffet in the library for the VBS workers:) I knew I was offering something better than the bowl of cereal that was causing such drama. I knew there were strawberries and donuts and bagels, etc that she loves to eat. I knew this was a treat.

She did not. She cried some more and begged for a bowl of cereal in the color she wanted. She did not want purple or green. She needed PINK!

I offered again and promised a wonderful treat and time with momma. She snuffed and consented against her better judgement.

Then in the car she told me she didn't want my treat.

I was quite irritated with her at this time, and hurt. I knew what I offered was better and that she would love it and it was the best offer available to her, but in her anger and hurt and, I may say, in her pride she didn't want it. She wanted what she wanted, not what I offered.

How often do I do that with God?

I cry and I beg and I whine for what I want. When all the while he is calling me to something better, because He Knows what I do not.

Later I pulled my daughter aside and showed her the buffet of food she told me she didn't want. I was tempted to not give it to her, because she was so snippy to me, but instead we went through the line and she got a donut and some fruit and some milk and was so happy sitting alone with mom.

And I who know how to give good things to my daughter am a broken person. How much more does my Father in heaven know how to give good things?.... if only I would let go of what I am begging for and see what He has to offer instead. It will always be something better.


The Gospel Playboy said...

"if only I would let go of what I am begging for and see what He has to offer instead. It will always be something better."

So was Judah what you wanted, or the "something better" ;)

Judah and Michelle said...

That is an excellent question David...

Hope said...

But it's so hard to see that the thing that is coming is better. I struggle with that everyday and I don't know if I'm going to get past this latest one. Regardless it was a great post that made me think.