Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Adding something for Lent

So Lent is upon us. It is this time of year when most Christians look to giving up something as a way of remembering the sacrifice that our Savior did for us. It’s a wonderful time of year to help us refocus on something that we will never ever fully appreciate. For God’s plan to be that his son would die for all on the planet to live is truly extraordinary. My cynic side sometimes thinks that giving up a few beers for a couple of days doesn’t seem to quite compare….

Friday, February 1, 2013

Technological Detox, and a Little Snowboarding

For over a decade, Michelle and I have been taking a ski trip to Snowshoe, WV almost every winter. For a snowboard fanatic like myself, it’s a great place within relative driving distance here in the southeast. It takes a while to get there, but once there, it is nothing but snowboarding, sleeping, snowboarding, eating, and more snowboarding. For me, this is a hint as to what heaven will be like.