Friday, February 1, 2013

Technological Detox, and a Little Snowboarding

For over a decade, Michelle and I have been taking a ski trip to Snowshoe, WV almost every winter. For a snowboard fanatic like myself, it’s a great place within relative driving distance here in the southeast. It takes a while to get there, but once there, it is nothing but snowboarding, sleeping, snowboarding, eating, and more snowboarding. For me, this is a hint as to what heaven will be like.

One of the more interesting aspects of the resort is the lack of cell phone coverage. I have been out to resorts in the Rockies, and updated my twitter feed at 10k before! I called Michelle from one of the highest peaks right before going down it. Its quite common these days to have cell service at almost all of the major ski resorts in the US. But Snow is different. The reason for this is because the resort is located in a federally regulated “Quiet Zone” that is maintained by the National Radio Astronomy Observatory ( Cell phone service and even wireless access points are kept to a minimum in this area. If you have issue with being away from your phone, and contact with outside world for a long period of time, Snowshoe will be a little uncomfortable for you at first….

But one of the main reasons (outside of snowboarding…) that I love coming here is the Quiet Zone. You can’t access twitter regularly. You can’t update your facebook posts regularly. Email is hit or miss. And the interesting thing is, after a day or so, no one seems to care. You can tell who just checked in, because they have that look of, “why can’t I access the internet?” on their face….True, it’s a bit of a shock at first, but after a while you find yourself not really caring about what people think you are doing.

For me, I think we all need a “technological detox” periodically. Most of us are not strong enough to turn everything off while still at home, even though we know constant monitoring of social media, games, etc. is not healthy for us. We need to make intentional trips to places that we know have no coverage of any kind. For Michelle and I, Snowshoe is one of those places. What is yours?

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