Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Well, I am back in China. I actually had a pretty good flight this time. It took right at 24 hours from getting on my first plane, to landing in Xi'an. I'll be honest, traveling to China is not for everyone, but it is part of my job. Thankfully, I only fly over 3-4 times a year.

When I am not working, I have a lot of down time. People just don't speak english over here. I remember one weekend, where I didn't say one word. Literally. I went from Friday evening, to Sunday evening without saying one word. It sounds a little strange, and I wouldn't recommend it on a frequent basis, but it was actually rather refreshing.

I also read a lot. I don't read much at home, outside of preparing for bible classes. I really try to spend time with my family, and see reading as taking away from that. I should be better about my time. I know. Anyway, I usually knock out about 2-3 books per trip. I usually have a few current Christian books, as well as, a science fiction book (usually Dune). I know, its a weird mix.

My last trip, I started listening to podcasts. Again, this is something that I do primarily here in China. My excuse is the same as above. No time.

Those really close to Michelle and myself know that we can make some rather interesting decisions. We do what we can to pray about them, but for the most part, we don't really THINK about them too much. We talk to each other about them. Michelle is an amazing person, and always has a hand for the obvious. I tend to look at things political. I also try to understand what someone else is thinking. I love our conversations.

Coming to China allows me to get my focus back. Reality is, we all need to take a break and just spend time with God. Go out in the woods for a few days. Get a hotel, and put the "do not disturb sign" on the door. We need to unplug from the internet. Cut our phones off. And then open our bibles. When I am over here, I am somewhat forced to do these things. And yet, I look forward to it. Amazingly, some of my best classes have been written while I was sitting at the pool on the third floor. Some of my best thoughts were given to me while listening to a podcast when I am working out. Some of my best clarity in decisions has been achieved when I just sat in my room for a few hours.

Its hard to take a break from reality. Trust me I know. Michelle is one of the most amazing women I know for putting up with me leaving the country so frequently. The kids are fed. The house is clean. Decisions are made. Life goes on. She doesn't get a break the way that I do. I try to allow for her to have her "scrapbook weekends", and women's retreats. I am full aware that I get away more often than she does. I don't need anyone reminding me of that fact.

Truth is, I would rather be at home. I would rather get attacked by my princess ninja and her brother "the dragon". I would rather be making pens, talking to my wife, while she sat on the steps in the garage. At the same time, I need this. I need to be forced to just listen to God. Currently in my life, it is very difficult for me to choose to be silent with God. I have too many responsibilities. I have too many things I would rather be doing. Maybe I am making excuses becuase I am afraid of the answers I might hear. However, if flying 24 hours is what it takes, then that's what I'll do.

See you in a few.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You make pens?