Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Proving Science....

One of my pet peeves is when I hear about (or am a participant in) research that is basically proving science. I guess another way way of phrasing it is "re-inventing the wheel". Another phrase may be "studying the obvious". I am sure many of you can come up with numerous stories associated with something like this. Our government tends to feed the academic world with grants and fellowships for things that just make sense, and when we hear about it, we have a tendency to say, "yep, there is science proved once again!"
I guess a more recent example may kind of help shed light on what I am talking about: A research on teenagers playing video games showed they spent less time doing homework. Now that is money well spent....
However, another recent research actually sparked my interest. Recently, research showed that children with strong spiritual beliefs were happier. In short, the more spiritual, or solid belief structure a child had, the happier the child tended to be. Now this is something that is truly interesting.
If you think about it, are we not all happier when we feel God's presence in our life? We have a sense of purpose. We have a feeling that our lives are worth something. I believe children are no different.
I believe we as "adults" or more specifically parents, have a tendency to over look the fact of just how important God is in the lives of children. We underestimate just how much they understand, and so not meaning anything by it, tend to not talk about God to them because we assume it is a topic that is over their head. I believe kids pick up, and are aware, of a lot more than we give them credit for. If you got kids, tell them, as often as possible, how important they are to God. Think about it: God made them specifically. There is no other person on the planet like them. They are unique. And the cool thing about that is, so are we.

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