Sunday, March 28, 2010

* Slacker

I am a procrastinator - most of you know this. Those who do not have clearly been hallucinating. I have gone quite a long time without posting and I truly kept meaning to, not because you are desperate for my words, but because I do find them entertaining myself, and as most of you also know 'it is all about me' anyway :)! I have had some great ideas for posts - at least in my opinion, and I would like to get to them, but not today... However I will be making a list of those things I want to talk about so I can remember them for when I get around to it. I am not sure it will get to 10 but you never know.

  • I am reading a book by Heschel that is lovely and I want to share some quotes. It is occasionally mentally thick and I feel like I am wading up stream trying to read it, then other times the sun breaks through the clouds and it is just awesome. (Two completely different metaphors, but that is the quality of my writing today)
  • I finished some other books in the faith based genre that I would also like to comment on, even if Judah has already commented. As the one who actually read the book I feel I am allowed my own thoughts :)
  • My best friend metaphorically challenged me to read more Pulitzer prize winning books than her and this has inspired some other reading. I am mentally preparing myself to lose since she is the English major and has a greater tolerance for literature than myself - at least this is what I am telling myself so I won't wallow in despair when I can't keep up.
  • My son has led us down a fun medical road in the last few months, but I can breathe easier now with the last mailed test result - normal MRI, no pathology, just childhood epilepsy- an unexpected praise.
  • I am on the yearbook committee AGAIN - and my deadlines are looming - blgh.
  • I am not in Ghana this year and planning a more normal spring break with my kids, off to grandmas!
  • A trip to Disney should get some comments, but fell in the middle of David's tests and I never got around to that either.
  • My daughter got her first stitches and we spent a lovely evening in the ER.
  • We are still thinking of selling our house and it has raised some interesting questions about what to buy next if that happens, bigger or smaller?
  • I am not sure of a tenth, but it was just SO CLOSE I couldn't help myself..... :)

I will leave you with this overheard dialogue from this afternoon...

My daughter prances into my son's room, where he is having a battle and asks-

Are you the King?


Are you the knight?


What are you?

I am not going to tell you.

Are you the (pause for struggle to find another word) ................... guard?


What are you?

I am not going to tell you.

Are you the (insert longer pause to find another word)................. fighter?


What are you?

I am NOT going to TELL you.

Are you the 'I'm not gonna tell you'?


Alright had that been the end it would have been funny enough to me. Her struggle to find boyish words and his irritation and finally her resort to early sarcasm was hilarious, but apparently the moment was so moving as to inspire song because then she broke into an impromptu solo...

He's not the king, he's not the prince, he's not the guard, he's not the fighterrrrrrrrrrrrr. He's not going to TELLLLLLLLLLLL!

I can only imagine her twirling around his battle for a bit with her song then losing interest because she left shortly after. I am glad that I did not watch the interchange because it was funnier in my head.

How can I not blog those jewels daily? I am such a slacker.

1 comment:

Quad Squad! said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! This is what I would be doing right now if I weren't in a library! Do you know how hard it is not to laugh out loud in the library? I'm stifling my giggles, and I'm sure people can hear me and probably think I'm crying! I can picture that exchange so well, and I LOVE that she broke out in song about it!


Are you competitively inspired now? You're probably beating me already!