Thursday, June 4, 2009

Summer Activities

Summer has brought on some new responsibilities for Michelle and myself this year. Recently, we officially were charged with leading the college ministry at Farragut. Since the college kids are back home for the summer, we have begun filling our calendar with all kinds of events.

A little bit of background on my belief, before getting into the specifics of what we will be doing throughout the summer.

A few years ago I started focusing on why a lot of high school kids "drop out" of church once they graduate. It was something that really puzzled me. I would witness teens raised in strong Christian based homes, walk away from church almost as soon as they were off to college. The statistics are astounding: almost 90% of high school graduates stop going to church within a year of graduating high school. This really bothered me. How can we (the church) keep these teens/young adults interested in church?

After a long period of research, it seems the common denominator is involvement. From what I understand, this period (teen to adult) needs to feel needed, busy, involved. In general, young adults no longer want to be fed (classes on Sundays, tailored for them). However, they still need someone to create the activities, and just have them show up. They want to do things, they just don't want to exert the energy to organize it.

The group that Michelle and I have been charged with are a great group of young adults that love to serve. It makes our job a lot easier, because they are such good kids (college aged :)).

Our primary activity this year has been working with the inner city church, Central CoC in Knoxville. We take a group of college aged every week to work with the kids and teenagers associated with the church there, as well as, the surrounding area. Mostly, the college aged just play and hang out with the kids. But they also teach bible classes periodically, lead games, clean around the building, etc. Whatever is needed, that is what will be done.

The college aged are also heavily involved in our Kidzone production on Sunday mornings. Kidzone is our way of doing Sunday bible school. We have a Family Production time for about 30 minutes (picture a "Carol Burnett Show type of production, with hosts, skits, music, sound effects, etc.), small groups, and children's worship during our normal worship. We have college aged that participate in all aspects of these elements, from actors, to technology operators. The amazing thing, is watching the young children interact with the college aged. 3rd and 4th graders tend to be "too cool" for a lot of the things associated with Kidzone, but the college aged have really helped with showing them to listen, be involved, and not be distracting to others. The college aged are some of our based role models for our kids.

On Sunday mornings, Michelle and I teach a class for the college aged as well. This is a brief, 20 - 25 minute class, that we have simply labeled, "What is the Best Question Ever?" We decided to drop the, "different topic every week" approach, and focus on one thing for the entire summer. In this class we look at what is the wise thing to do in all kinds of different scenarios. In a lot of situations, it is going to be different for each individual. This is where the really good discussions start kicking in. This question (what is the wise thing to do?) is also how I usually approach each of them when they are asking for advice. The point, is keep the focus on doing what God says, in all situations.

Sunday nights also find us doing a book study. We created this book study for multiple reasons. One, they all like books. It helps to build responsibility, because they each had to go find the book, purchase it, read it, and bring it with them. And finally it is an environment where they can feel comfortable inviting their friends. I have also taking the liberty of using this time for some of them to lead the group through the night's discussion. It is just another way of helping them with their leadership skills.

Our current book is "Radical Reformission", by Mark Driscoll. This is an excellent book that discusses showing Jesus to others from many different perspectives. I highly recommend this book.

Farragut does a lot of things really well. One of these things is VBS. If you have never been to VBS at Farragut, you are missing out. You can find out more about our congregation at Our college aged are fully involved with VBS, doing everything from teaching sessions, to leading kids through out the day, serving snacks, running technology, acting etc. Again, they absolutely love serving and working.

Finally, Michelle and I host the college kids at our house once a month. In this setting we serve them. We cook for them. We provide activities for them. It is our way of showing how special they are to us. This setting has been such a comfortable setting for many of them, that they have invited their friends to it. These friends have stayed, and have become a part of the college ministry at Farragut. Many of our college aged have become so comfortable in this setting, they have just hung out watching TV, while Michelle and go to bed!

Late teens to early 20s is a very difficult time in a person's life. We want to be treated like adults, but still hold on to our youth. We want to be treated responsibly, but still desire to have someone plan for us. We want to lead, teach, and do, but still need to be taught, and have opportunities for just fellowship. This is a period where we start dating, and looking for life time mates. And yet, we look to our mentors for advice on how to get a date. We struggle with our identities, while trying to show everyone we are unique. It is a very trying time. This is all the more reason for those of us "more mature" in the faith (or more experienced in life) to be patient with this very particular group of individuals. We must engage them, not wait on them to volunteer. It is our responsibility to keep them active, as they go through this period of life. It is our responsibility to live a life that shows Jesus. We must be accepting of their differences, while not condoning activities that go against God's will.

How about you? What is your experience with the college aged? What was your experience when you were this age?

1 comment:

eatmoresmores said...

I'm highly impressed with the work you and Michelle are doing at Farragut. It sounds like you are doing everything possible to engage college kids. I'm guessing that having them into your home will mean more to them than anything. A family had a small group of us over every Tuesday when I was in college for a good home-cooked meal. It meant so much to me to interact with them (they had 3 small boys) and just be in a home (as opposed to a dorm or apt). Keep up the good work!