Monday, August 17, 2009

* A Day of Firsts

Along with many families in our area this morning we packed the first lunch of the school year. Apparently I had not recently shopped for school snacks so my son will trudge through his first day with less than stellar items. I was able to put in a ziploc of fresh grapes so I don't feel too bad. Besides his favorite part is the overpriced water bottle he conned out of his dad when Judah's boy instinct over rode his budgeting philosophy.

In preparation of this day my son slept in his clothes. Why? - in order to not be late. I tried to tell him that he still had to wait on his mom to get dressed but my point was not strong enough. He finally took the shirt off for temperature and comfort reasons when he found himself still awake at 11:30.

School shopping was a fun activity. Judah got to go with us since after his exit interview Friday he suddenly had no more work to do. So we all wandered through Target where we learned that everyone was out of wide ruled paper, but that dad was an easy mark for cool new water bottles. Last night we packed his bag - not a back pack this year. We recently bought some messenger bags as a gift and at that time my son decided he needed one also. Due to the leftover theory his selection was small but we settled on a black one, which is always cool. The new bag style will hopefully prolong its life. Last year's bag was a wheeled back pack which was drug everywhere and multiple holes rendered it useless by the end of the year. Holding a bag will shake up the first day of school photo which has included the wheeled backpack style the past two years.

The big boy in the house also is having a big first day. A new job that doesn't send him to China! We did not do any shopping in preparation for his first day - sad really. Anticipation was a palpable thing in our home yesterday. Judah didn't seem to sleep well either and was up early. Although I asked , he didn't feel that taking his picture was necessary.

1 comment:

Quad Squad! said...

Come on! No picture for Judah's first day? What a shame! Seriously, I hope that the first day went well for BOTH your boys!