Friday, April 17, 2009

Reading List

So, what I do when I am in China? Sleep, work, eat, sleep, repeat. My work day is about a 10 hour work day. I also call my boss when I get back to the hotel. So, technically my work day is about 13 - 14 hours. I also brought a lot of books with this time around.

Renovation of the Heart, D. Willard. I have actually been reading this one for a few months now. Willard is always a good read, but he is so deep. You end up reading his stuff multiple times, just to comprehend what he is saying.
Wisdom of the Native Americans. I got this one after a close friend of mine read some quotes in a recent men's bible study. I decided to read it through. It seems, the Indians may have had a grasp on God and Jesus that we just didn't get. There is some good stuff here.
Cost of Discipleship, D. Bonhoeffer. I have just recently gotten around to reading some of Bonhoeffer's books. Its unfortunate I waited so long.
Generous Orthodoxy, B. McLaren. One of my buddies (gospel playboy) got me turned on to this guy. I don't agree with everything he says, but he makes me think.
Liberty and Tyranny, M. Levin. So, I get to Chicago and remember that Mark Levin just published a book. If you don't know Mark Levin, he is on talk radio. He is a conservative radio host. One of his other books is, "Men in Black: How the Supreme Court is Destroying America." Anyway, I had to go to 2 terminals just to find a book store that sold this book. I am really looking forward to it.
Sandworms of Dune, B. Herbert and K. Anderson. Michelle and I are big Dune fans. They are always good for some politics, fiction, and just overall good read.
Bible, New Living Translation. My NLT is small, so it fits really well in my backpack. It isn't my normal research bible with all my notes and references, but it still gets the job done.

I also have my ipod filled with about 2 weeks of podcasts. I would say that is enough to keep busy for quite some time. I didn't read or listen to much on the way over. I try to sleep on the way to China. I will do more listening on the way home. The podcasts are also good for in the gym. Since I can't carry a conversation while lifting weights, its best to just put the ear buds on and nod.

Will I get through all these books? Probably not. That's fine. Between calling the wife and kids, working, sleeping, listening to God, and shopping, I'll fit some of them in.....

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