Thursday, April 23, 2009

<>< Christianity, Simply

OK, so I am not real sure where this one is going. Its probably good that most of you are asleep when this gets posted....

Recently our congregation did a survey of the congregation. The point was to look at what the majority of the people felt were the "high value" ministries. This is a good thing, because as the years go by, churches change. Ministries develop by those who are passionate for that particular ministry. Those people leave, and others are "volunteered" to lead those ministries. Ideally, the replacements would be just as passionate. If not, the ministries tend to not do so good. Anyway, hopefully , you get the idea. Churches change. Leadership should know what the congregations' passions are.

Well, recently I have had a lot of time to think at night. That's a good thing and a bad thing. I get to read a lot. I read a lot of journal articles (what I can get my hands on). I read a lot of polls of direction of Christianity. I read a lot about what people think churches should be doing. The conclusion is not good: Churches are dying. Young people see no reason to continue "in church", because of the examples and actions of the older generations.

I see a lot of churches throwing out all kinds of bells and whistles to get "people in the door". I also see other churches shutting their doors to their neighborhoods, because the neighborhood has changed.

I have developed the opinion that Jesus created a faith in Him and His Father that is actually quite simple. Its us that have made it complicated. "You must believe XYZ in order to be saved." "You must meet with us at this time, in order to be considered worthy of a place in heaven". Christianity is not about earning a spot. Its about living a life now, that shows gratitude for what God did: sacrificing His own Son so that everyone can be saved. So, then the questions start pouring into my head: what does it take to be a Christian? Why are our churches dropping like flies? What do we need to do to grow? What does God expect of me?

Below, is what I believe is the START of a list for a simple way of looking at Christianity. I don't think it is perfect. It can be added to, but it is a start.

1) One should believe in God. By God, I mean God, Jesus, Holy Spirit. One can not ONLY believe in Jesus, and not believe there is a Father. Also, one can not believe in only God. One must believe that Jesus was (is) real, and that He is the Son of God.
2) Jesus died for everyone. Sounds like a duh, but there are a lot of Christians who will "evangelize" with, "Jesus died for His believers". This is true, but He also died for everyone. Even those people that are not so nice.
3) One should be baptized. Again, this is another obvious one for those "raised in the faith". I believe the debate here is that those questioning baptism have an issue with authority. Baptism is, along with other things, a submissive act. We have to accept that.
4) Those declaring themselves Christians should meet regularly with other Christians. I think verses about "do not forsake the assembly of the Saints" and others have been taken completely out of context. Along with that, they have created a negative view that going to a church building is the only way one is consider a Christian. This is simply not true. Are church buildings good? Of course they are. They allow for a large multiple to gather at one time. Many things can be done with a bunch of like minded individuals. At the same time, small groups of individuals worshipping and praising God is just as awesome.
5) One's life should reflect that of Jesus and His teachings. This is done by reading on the scriptures regularly, asking the question, "what would Jesus do?" consistently, and understanding that everyone that one comes in contact with (whether in the US or abroad) is created by God, and has a purpose for God on this planet. Imagine, if we looked at everyone and saw Jesus.... What would this world be like? How would treat the grocer differently? What wold say to the cab driver?
6) Live life. This also seems rather obvious but let further explain. God has blessed us with a world that is absolutely amazing. We have places like the Grand Canyon to go see. We have movie theatres. We get to drive sports cars. We get to drive jet skis. We get to go snowboarding. My point, is that none of these things are bad, done in the right way. This is where maturity needs to step in, and give recognition to God for blessing one with "stuff", talents, and opportunities, that only God allows. He created this world for His glory, but for also our enjoyment.
7) Service vs. Education. I am of the opinion that most churches (for good reason) focus more on teaching Christians, than equipping them with the opportunity to serve others. By "serve", I do not mean passing the plate on Sundays, teaching a class, or leading worship on Sundays. Serving, in this context, is described as assisting someone else because there is a personal need. Let me make it quite clear that we need to have consistent bible study. But there should be a balance of service to go with the formal bible study. I believe that one's life should consist more of serving than being taught. This can be done in minor ways and big ways. Minor ways can include driving someone to the grocery store. Chopping someones firewood. Paying an electric bill. Big ways can include volunteering at a soup kitchen on a weekly basis. Going on a mission trip each year. Mentoring a young college kid. My point is, if all we do is educate ourselves, who are we serving?

So, what are your thoughts? What does it take to be a Christian? Am I making this list too simple? By doing this, am I making much a do about nothing as well?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good post.
