Sunday, July 26, 2009


Alright - I had planned a post on our week. We have spent several days hosting our nieces. I believe all had a good time and both girls were happy to see mom and dad again today.

I had planned to post on the week, but then I noticed that this was the 100th post! Not that my nieces aren't worth such a cool number, but I got so distracted by the round numberness of it that I couldn't help but comment on that instead!

I have refrained from counting the number of posts of mine versus Judah, but wouldn't that make for another cool number?!? I haven't because if it is not currently a cool number it would semi- ruin the coolness of this being 100. I mean 100 and 37 do not go together. Sigh. However I am super excited that I got the 100 and not Judah - he loves me, he'll understand. :)

Wishing you a very round numbery day!

1 comment:

Quad Squad! said...

And I am happy for you!