Friday, July 10, 2009

* Software, not Hardware

We have not been following the schedule much recently due to travel and VBS and Judah being home this week, see previous comments on June. We do follow it occasionally and today at lunch I said we would be doing our learning time later, as on the schedule. My son asked how I knew about learning time, wasn't the schedule missing off the refrigerator?

As a matter of fact the schedule has been missing for awhile, but I had given it no thought, since things spontaneously walk around the house all the time. It then occurred to me that maybe the paper did not spontaneously walk away but was rather kidnapped. So I asked my son if he knew where it was.

Insert classic little boy face - the one that says he knows something that he has not said and he is wondering if saying it will result in punishment or just a big laugh.

It turns out he does know the location of the paper, but was hoping that its absence would mean I would forget about the daily reading time. He still has much to learn about Mom's memory.

We will now be doing some learning and then later at two he will read, paper or not, because the schedule is software, not hardware.

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