Monday, May 17, 2010

* Random mom observations...

It has been yet another unbelievably long time since I posted, but life is as it is, especially during yearbook season and end of school wrap up time. I did however want to get this comparison down.

A few weeks ago I was reading with my daughter and the book had some trucks in it. On one particular page she pointed to a 'back-hoe' and asked what it was. I thought she was kidding. But apparently we have never taught her the word 'back-hoe' before, or 'bull-dozer' for that matter. She has been completely deprived of large earth moving equipment knowledge. This seemed weird because I don't think it was through intentional neglect. She is terribly girly but lives in a world surrounded by boy things. This disproves the osmosis theory.

A few days later while looking through some silly bands (which by the way is the weirdest fad I have ever seen and participated in...) My son pointed to some and asked what they were. My daughter used her best 'duh - are you stupid?' voice to say.. "a perfume bottle and that one is lipstick" Now apparently my son is lacking girly shape recognition as well.

So I have come to the conclusion that I am subconsciously raising stereotypes. However I believe there is hope, because I clearly recognized the lipstick silly band, as well as know the difference between a back-hoe and bull-dozer. Judah can change spark plugs and we are working on his ponytail skills. (For being the gender that is supposed to be good with their hands boys have great struggles with little girl ponytails.)

These are the thoughts that flow through my mind...

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