Monday, May 24, 2010

* Summer Schedule

While I do still want to get some back logged posts - I am taking my scrap booking approach and staying current whenever possible. We have set our summer schedule and I know you all were waiting with anticipation. It looks shockingly similar to last years, and I wonder how long it will remain on the refrigerator before the kids take to hiding it again in order to somehow avoid 'learning time' as though if lost the memory of such would fall out of my head. Our schedule for this year

9:00 Breakfast

9:30 Bible/Cleaning

10:00 Outdoor/Free Time

11:00 Learning Time

12:00 Lunch

12:30 Walk

1:00 Craft/Art/Cooking

2:00 Nap/Quiet Reading

4:00 TV/Wii/Computer

The schedule does not continue after this point because dad arrives home shortly after tv time and the evenings could go in any direction. Our odds of following this are relatively low to medium. I will testify that the younger one does not stay on target at learning time for very long and tends to distract her brother form completing his activities. Day one continues...

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