Monday, August 4, 2008

* Quirky Quotes

I am going to post again today! This is not likely to become a habit but I wanted to give some equal time to my daughter since I just talked about my son. I also had been thinking about doing something with a consistent title so I would have a topic to add to each week or so, whenever that topic came back up. Mulling it over I picked unusual quotes from my children because being a mom is most of what I do and I couldn't think of anything more clever.

My first quote occured late last week during one of Abigail's many wardrobe changes during the day. I think it emphasizes the struggle with communication we all feel at times. Children can be very concrete thinkers and sometimes there expressive language is behind their thinking and comprehension. Abigail is quite the talker so it was interesting to see her struggle for words. Long story but anyway....Abigail wished to change from a dress into her bathing suit to swim in the little pool we buy over and over every summer. I sent her upstairs with permission and the suit. Several minutes later she was still in the dress. The kids pool now full and ready, I issued an "order" to change her clothes and she marched upstairs again. Several minutes pass and she comes down still in the dress. Now irritated I march with her upstairs (how did marching become the word for walking irritably?) and order her again to change her clothes. At this point she turns around saying "I have these" and shows me the bow and the buttons and with little three year old tears of frustration turns around again flailing her arms and says, "but my arms are up here"

Now other folks may not find that as entertaining as I did but there was so much in that little statement. "I wanted to take off my dress mother, really I did, but you forgot that it buttons in the back and I can not reach them. I have been up here forever turning in circles trying to reach the buttons and I just can't do it anymore. Instead of helping me you marched and now I am overwhelmed and I still can't reach the buttons arms are up here!"

We quickly changed clothes and had a great time in the yard, many pictures taken and irritation forgotten by Abigail.

1 comment:

Quad Squad! said...

Poor Abby! I'm glad you figured out her trouble and didn't have to march around anymore!