Thursday, September 11, 2008

* Asterisks

For those avid readers out there - of which I have been told there are now approximately 7 - you may have noticed that some of the posts are suddenly sporting an asterisk before the title. This is my solution to a request from one of the seven avid readers. Most blogs apparently are written by one person. In our effort to do all things our own way we are sharing this blog. This has led to some confusion as to who is writing which post. While all posts eventually reveal themselves due to pronoun usage - for SOME people that is not ideal. In order to alleviate some tension I am now labeling all my posts with an asterisk. I have done this retroactively as well, just in case something was so great it needs to be read again and you forgot who wrote it (which would probably indicate it wasn't that great)

Some may ask why the asterisk and why your posts and not his. In typical Michelle fashion - I have a list:
  • A symbol is easier to remember than a word for both reader and writer
  • I wanted something decorative, subtle, and easily located on the keyboard
  • I have always thought the asterisk to be a more feminine punctuation mark so clearly it needs to be on my posts not his
  • Judah wouldn't label his posts anyway

So now whenever you open this blog you will know immediately who wrote it and can set your brain to the preconceived notions you have for each of us. :)

1 comment:

Quad Squad! said...

SOMEONE will be SO happy!